#5x# is #12# more than #2x#. What is #x#?

1 Answer
Jul 16, 2017



With this type of problem, it would be helpful to convert the written statement into an equation.

So we have the following statement:
#5x# is #12# more than #2x#. What is #x#?

We know from the question that we need to solve for #x#, but we need to convert the words into an equation.

We can say that the word "is" has the mathematical equivalent of an equals sign (#=#). We can also say that the words "more than" have the mathematical equivalent of a plus sign (#+#).

They tell us that #5x# is (#=#) 12 more than (#+#) #2x#. So, we end up with:

#5x=12+2x# or, equivalently, #5x=2x+12#

Now, we can solve for #x#.
