Woollen clothes are biodegradable but nylon clothes are not. Why do you think is the case?

1 Answer
Jun 29, 2017

In simple terms there are no bugs capable of digesting nylon.....


Biodegradation basically occurs because microorganisms are able to break down and consume the product. In that sense, biodegradation is similar to "rotting".

The most basic reason why nylon is not biodegradable, and wool IS biodegradable, is that wool is essentially keratin, which has been around since the dawn of time (well, ever since animals have been around anyway), so over this huge period of time microbes have evolved that are capable of breaking keratin down.

Nylon, on the other hand, has been in existence for just 82 years - certainly not long enough for any species of microorganisms to evolve the capability to break it down.

(It should be noted, however, that biodegradation of wool only occurs under certain conditions, and that good supply of oxygen, lack of very cold temperatures and good moisture supply are required.)