In regards to pollution, what are particulates?

1 Answer
Nov 30, 2016

Particulate are fine particles that suspended in the ambient air.


Particulate matters are fine particles of dust or smoke or droplets [ Generated mainly due to the activities like burning smoke, vehicular exhaust, flying dust, road side, construction activities , industrial activities, stacks or chimneys etc. ]. these are mainly two types:-

P#M_10# = particles size 10 micron diameter or less.

P#M_2.5#= particles size 2.5 micron diameter or less.

Both types of particle are harmful to human health with respect to air born diseases, particularly harmful to lungs. Creates respirational abnormalities, asthma etc.
You can imagine the size of #PM_2.5# by comparing with human hair, the thickness of human hair is average 70 micron diameter so 2.5 micron is approx. 28 fine than human hair thickness.
The hazy visibility in the public area where most vehicular running activities are going on or other pollution generating activities carried out.