Question #1b9b0
3 Answers
Find when
Increasing on
The graphing function for Socratic is currently not responding. I have done as much as I can without it. I leave the answer to you to work out the rest of, and will update this once the system is back in order.
Through the quotient rule,
graph{(2xcos(2x)-sin(2x))/x^2 [-0.1, 6.3, -4.2, 5.8]}
To find when
Graphing this to identify when it is negative, which corresponds to when
graph{-((4x^2-2)sin(2x)+4xcos(2x))/x^3 [-0.1, 6.3, -48.1, 49.8]}
See explanation and graph.
graph{y-(sin (2x))/x=0 [-10, 10, -5, 5]}
sin 2x takes alternate signs in
The zeros of the function are at
The concavity is up and down, alternately, at points of inflexion,
where the tangent crosses the curve. Seemingly, they are in
between zeros of f..
For precise locations, look for zeros of f''=o, by numerical iterative
methods. If I get these zeros, I would add them here in the next
edition. The graph easily reveals these tangent-crossing-curve
locations. But it lacks precision
he inserted Mountain-Hills range in the graph provides visual
effect. Nature is also a synonym to Mathematics that provide models
to natural phenomena.