A sample of #H_2O# with a mass of 46.0 grams has a temperature of -58.0°C. How many joules of energy are necessary to heat the ice to 0°C?

Use 2.1 J/g°C for the specific heat of ice.

1 Answer

5496.1 J


#q = m xx DeltaT xx c#

#q# - amount of heat
#m# - mass
#c# - specific heat capacity
#DeltaT# - Temperature difference


#"m = 46 g"#

#"T = -58"^@"C"#

#c = "2.06 J/g"cdot""^@"C"# (You have to look this up)

I recommend drawing the diagram of ice melting.

#q = (46.0cancel("g")) xx [0 - (-58)cancel(""^@"C")] xx (2.06 J/(cancel("g") cdot cancel(""^@"C"))) = "5496.1 J"#