What are examples of buildings that have been affected by acid rain?

1 Answer
Apr 1, 2016

The best example I know of is the Taj Mahal in India.


The Taj Mahal is one of India's premier tourist attractions and is located a little south of the capital of New Delhi. However, years of air pollution and soot from dung and rubbish fires and diesel motors had covered "the Taj" as its locally called in a brownish coloured surface on the mainly white marble stone. So, the government initiated a cleaning project and now this must be done every so often to keep the Taj clean looking!

Note: this is not exactly caused solely by acid rain as per your question but acid rain is probably a contributing factor. Marble is also very susseptible l to acid rain and chemical weathering can leave a pitted surface.

When I was there in 2002, they had just finished one of their major cleaning jobs and it looked amazing!

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2874509/Dust-soot-dung-fires-turning-Taj-Mahal-brown.html image source here
