What has been changed, updated, or fixed on Socratic recently? [August 2015]
1 Answer
Aug 21, 2015
In an effort to keep the Socratic community in the loop about what's happening behind the scenes, I'm starting a round-up of new changes, updates, and fixes that are live on the site.
These may include bugs you've been waiting to see fixed to new features you didn't know we were working on! As always, ask questions and share thoughts if you have 'em.
August 28, 2015:
- We launched a new feature this week: streaks! Very curious to hear your thoughts.
- We built a new page that'll help teachers share Socratic with their students. Come help spread the word!
- For a while now, users who were @mentioned in a comment have not been notified about it via their notifications bell. Now, anytime you are @mentioned on the site, you will receive a bell notification!
- Related: instead of reading "@becca commented on this question," the bell notification will say "@becca mentioned you in a comment" — this should be more clear and easier to read.
- A small bug was creating duplicate links in published answers beneath images with sources. The bug has been fixed so that now, only one link appears below the image once you add the source.
- A similar bug was creating multiple links to a user's profile when s/he replied to a question on per-paragraph feedback. This has also been fixed.
- A small deploy error on Friday afternoon caused some answers to be temporarily hidden from the site. The problem was corrected quickly and all answers are no longer hidden—sorry for any related strangeness!
August 21, 2015:
- You can now delete notes from your own profile. Due to an unexpected change, you couldn't remove notes for a little while—but now, you can remove any unwanted notes on your profile by hovering over the note and clicking "delete."
- You can once again scroll back through your own history from your profile using the "show more activity" button at the bottom of the page. This has been a known bug for a little while, too—it's now been fixed.
- When someone hearts an answer you wrote, they have the option to send you a note, which is sent to your profile. Previously, it was hard to tell which answer the note referred to—but we've added links to profile notes! Check it out: